Václav Chochola - Kontakt - Archiv B&M Chochola

Václav Chochola - contacts Archive B&M Chochola

Blanka Chocholová * 1953
Photographer, Exhibition curator, educator, daughter of Václav Chochola.

Marek Chochola * 1980
Photographer, grandson of Václav Chochola.



Photographer Václav Chochola (*1923–2005), founded photographic archive in 1939.

He discovered the importance of archiving not only of his photographic work, but also the work of his colegues photographers. With his intuition he succeed to save photographic, film and sound materials containing work of classical czech photographers, which are now digitaly processed by the continuators of the archive.( K.Ludwig, K.Hájek, Z.Tmej and others.) Archiv B&M Chochola - Chocholas daughter Blanka and grandson Marek relaysthe archive, including photo, film, digitalized data and art works of other authors.



Adresa / Adress:
Vodnická 318
Praha 4
149 00
Czech republic






https://www.vaclavchochola.cz, Author © Archiv B&M Chochola

Publishing of content, photographs or other segments come under copyright law and is restricted without authors agreement